This is the second exhibition organized as part of the *Art and Natural Science* series in the permanent exhibition of [Medieval Art in Bohemia and Central Europe 1200-1550 ](/en/objekt-detail/convent-of-st-agnes-of-bohemia/)in the Convent of St. Agnes of Bohemia. Like in the previous exhibition, [For the Eyes to Admire. Decorative Techniques in Medieval Painting and Sculpture, 14th – 16th Centuries](/en/exposition-detail/hidden-from-the-eyes-underdrawings-in-panel-paintings-from-the-14th-16th-centuries-in-the-collections-of-the-national-gallery-in-prague/), the present show introduces visitors to the extraordinary details in medieval paintings and the way they were created in medieval workshops. The exhibition focuses on decorative techniques, the individual types of decorative designs in both paintings and sculptures, and their stylistic form. Visitors will be able to study the vast array of punched, stencil and sgraffito decoration, as well as the technique of tin relief used in the exhibition's original artworks. Accompanying information is available on tablets placed near the artworks in the exhibition.
Both exhibitions have been organized as part of the grant project “Historical technologies and modern research methods: Interpretation possibilities of specialized methods of examining medieval art with the help of innovative techniques” supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the NAKI program
Curators: Štěpánka Chlumská & Helena Dáňová