Graduating in Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archive Studies from the University of Hradec Králové and the Faculty of Arts of Charles University, Radka Heisslerová has worked in the Archive of the National Gallery Prague since 2005, focusing especially on materials relating to Prague painter guilds, post-1989 exhibition documentation, and personal funds. Her professional interests include written sources pertaining to 17th and 18th century painting. Radka Heisslerová has co-authored several articles and studies, as well as two publications from the “Art in the Archive” book series and the publication titled In the Shadow of Karel Škréta. Prague Painters in 1635–1680 (together with Štěpán Vácha). She cooperated on an international project on painter guild statutes and privileges, resulting in the five-volume Statuta pictorum publication.

Mgr. Radka Heisslerová