The National Gallery in Prague is a state contributory organisation, established under Act No. 148/1949 Coll., on the National Gallery in Prague. It manages collections that include works representing European cultural history from antiquity to the present, as well as collections of Asian and African art. It enjoys pre-eminent status among Czech cultural institutions due to the wealth and importance of its collections and its long history.
We are looking for a person with expert knowledge who is team-oriented and management-focused, who understands the value of the gallery collection in all its complexity, not only as historical evidence from the past, but also as a means of communication that has cultural, educational and social importance. We are seeking someone with personality and vision who is primarily focused on building a stable, clearly defined cultural institution of international renown.
Selection procedure conditions:
The selection procedure is an open competition involving multiple rounds. During the first round, the candidates’ qualifications will be assessed. In the next round, selected candidates will be invited to take part in a personal interview.
The selection procedure is an open competition involving multiple rounds. During the first round, the candidates’ qualifications will be assessed. In the next round, selected candidates will be invited to take part in a personal interview.
Minimum qualifications required of candidates:
- Knowledge of Czech or English
- Master’s degree
- 5 years of experience in managing professional teams
- Active knowledge of English
- Clean criminal record
- Negative lustration certificate in the case of individuals born in the Czech Republic before 1/12/1971
Our preference is for a respected individual who
- Excellent communication, presentation and organisational skills, and who thinks strategically and analytically
- Experience with managing public institutions
- Experience working in cultural institutions
- Education or professional experience in the area of art history
- Experience in the area of international cultural cooperation
- Experience in managing capital construction projects
- Active knowledge of another major international language
- Language proficiency documented by a certificate compliant with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (from level B upwards) is an advantage
- Knowledge of the ICOM Professional Code of Ethics for Museums
- Basic knowledge of the legislation regulating this sector (Act No.122/2000 Coll., Act No. 71/1994 Coll.), the State Cultural Policy and legal regulations governing the management of contributory organisation (Act No. 218/2000 Coll., Act No. 219/2000 Coll.)
We expect candidates to possess:
- An understanding of the functioning of the public service and the cultural sector in general
- An understanding of the principles underpinning the activities and financing of state contributory organisations
- Knowledge applying to this area of activity, in particular the field of museums
- Flexibility and the ability to handle demanding situations
- The ability to engage in long-term conceptual work
The application for the selection procedure must contain:
(N.B. These materials must be submitted in both Czech and English)
(N.B. These materials must be submitted in both Czech and English)
Basic contact details (full name, title, date and place of birth, nationality, permanent address, identity card number (passport number), contact address, telephone, e-mail) and a detailed professional CV with a list of published works and professional activities, including links to references or supplemented with written references; the date and a handwritten signature
- A motivational letter of up to 2 standard pages in length
- Your concept of activities and further development of the National Gallery in Prague (according to the outline below) of up to 5 standard pages in length
- Your consent to the processing of your personal data, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of Act No. 110/2019 Coll., on the processing of personal data and amending certain Acts
The following must be attached to the application:
- A certified copy of the certificate attesting to your highest level of education
- An original extract from the criminal records, no more than 3 months old (foreign nationals must submit an equivalent document)
- A certificate from the Ministry of Interior and an Affidavit, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 2 and 4 of Act No. 451/1991 Coll., laying down additional conditions for the performance of certain functions in state bodies and organisations of the Czech and Slovak Federative Republic, the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic, as amended) – this does not apply to foreign nationals or persons born after 1/12/1971.
We are offering:
- Remuneration on a scale compliant with the Labour Code, Government Regulation 341/2017 Coll., on salaries of employees in public services and administration, to tariff class T 16, the salary grade dependent on eligible experience, a bonus for management and with the possibility of personal re-evaluation.
Required start of term: from 1/10/2020, at the latest by 1/1/2021
Term of office: six years
Applications submitted by 17/6/2020 inclusive will be considered, i.e. sent by that deadline via the postal service provider (the date of submission to the delivery service will be decisive) to the following address: Ministry of Culture, Independent Department of Museums, Maltézské náměstí 1, 118 11 Prague 1, or delivered by hand to the registry at the aforementioned address. The envelope must be clearly marked: Independent Department of Museums – National Gallery Prague Selection Procedure – DO NOT OPEN.
Should you have any questions, you can contact the officer at the Independent Department of Museums, Mgr. Hana Vondráčková, contact:
Conceptual documents are posted on the NGP’s website ( The new Statute of the institution signed by the Minister of Culture is published here.
Please note:
The organiser reserves the right to cancel the selection procedure at any time without providing a reason.
The organiser reserves the right to cancel the selection procedure at any time without providing a reason.